Developing therapeutic relationships as a pathway to change.

Introducing the Relational Space

The Relational Space is a concept developed by Dr. Niall Reynolds, a social care consultant and systemic family therapist with over 20 years of experience. Our unique approach embraces the idea of relational activism in promoting health, well-being, therapy and social care interventions.

A dynamic approach

The Relational Space is a simple concept designed for complex problems. It is intended to create safe and therapeutic “relational spaces” so that those in close and not-so-close relationships can better understand and support each other.

It enables individuals and family members to express and explore difficult thoughts and emotions safely, understand each other’s experiences and views, appreciate each other’s needs, build on individual and family strengths, and work together to make useful changes in their relationships and their lives. At the Relational Space, our approach recognises the uniqueness of each young person, individual, family or couple and we create bespoke therapeutic plans that reflect our view that one size cannot fit all.

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