
Systemic Family Psychotherapy is a valuable approach that can benefit individuals of all ages, from children and young people to adults and older adults. It offers support for a wide range of problems and interpersonal challenges that arise throughout the various stages of family life.

Also known as family therapy or systemic therapy, this therapeutic approach focuses on understanding and addressing the dynamics and patterns within systems, such as children, individuals, families, couples, or larger social networks.

Unlike approaches that solely focus on individual factors, systemic family psychotherapy recognises that problems and challenges often stem from the interactions and relationships within these systems. By examining and working with these dynamics, the therapy aims to bring about positive change and resolution.

If you're interested in learning more about the wide array of issues that systemic family psychotherapy can help with, as well as the research evidence supporting its effectiveness, we recommend visiting the Association of Family Therapy UK's website. You can find comprehensive information at the following link: Association of Family Therapy UK.

Feel free to explore the website to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and possibilities offered by systemic family psychotherapy. Our dedicated team at the Relational Space is here to support you and guide you through the transformative process of healing and growth.

The T-SOS service is a specialised intervention that aims to provide mental health support and therapeutic social care interventions to young people, individuals, families, and foster carers who face barriers to accessing traditional clinical services. It brings mental health professionals directly to the community, reaching out to young people in care or on the brink of entering care.

The primary goal of T-SOS is to bridge the gap between mental health resources and those in need by meeting individuals "where they are at" and addressing their specific needs. By providing services in community settings, schools, residentials, or other accessible locations, T-SOS aims to make mental health, therapy, and social care more accessible.

T-SOS operates based on key pillars:

Accessibility: The service strives to make mental health services easily accessible by delivering them in convenient community settings, ensuring that young people and families can readily access support.

Systemic Approach: T-SOS adopts a systemic approach, considering the interconnectedness of various elements within a system. This approach promotes a deeper understanding of complex issues, informed decision-making, and the development of effective strategies for positive and sustainable change.

Cultural Humility: T-SOS emphasizes cultural sensitivity and inclusivity, recognizing the importance of understanding and addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by diverse and disadvantaged communities.

Individual and Systemic Therapy: T-SOS offers both individual and family-carers therapy sessions. Individual therapy provides personalized support tailored to individual goals and concerns, while systemic therapy creates a supportive environment for family members and carers to connect, share experiences, and learn together. Professionals and wider networks may also be involved in some sessions.

Trauma-informed Practice: T-SOS recognises the importance of TIP as an approach to providing care and support that understands and responds to the impact of trauma on children, individuals and families. Creating safety, trustworthiness, transparency, choice, and empowerment are central to the T-SOS approach.

Psychoeducation: In addition to therapy, T-SOS provides psychoeducational workshops and seminars to enhance coping skills, increase understanding of mental health issues, and promote overall well-being. Topics covered may include stress management, mental health awareness, self-care techniques, and healthy coping strategies.

Through its comprehensive approach, T-SOS aims to reduce stigma, increase access to care, empower individuals, and make a positive difference in the lives of those who may face difficulties in receiving the support they need.


The Systemic Outreach service

Guardian ad Litem

A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a person appointed by a court to represent the best interests of a child in court proceedings.

The role of a GAL is varied and includes preparing reports for the courts that ensure that a child’s voice is heard and central to the proceedings. The report provides insights into the child’s best interests, including their physical, emotional, educational and psychological needs. The GAL serves as an advocate and works to ensure the child’s rights are protected. A central part of the GAL role is to collaborate and work closely with other professionals involved in the case, such as the social work team, solicitors, psychologists and any professional with a role in the child’s life.