Assessment and Expert Witness

The Relational Space provides assessment and expert witness services in various areas:

Court Reports - Hearing the voice of the child in family law cases:

Section 47 Reports: These reports are ordered by the court or requested by one of the parties involved in a family law case, focusing on the welfare of the child. Professionals deemed as experts meet with the parents/guardians and the child to gather information and determine the child's best interests. The report provides a professional opinion and recommendations, which the judge considers in making decisions. The expert author may be required to attend as a witness in the case.

Section 32 Reports: In proceedings for custody, access, or guardianship of a child, a court may appoint an expert to determine and convey the child's views through a "voice of the child report." The professionals who provide these reports act independently and facilitate the child in freely expressing their views, ensuring they are not unduly influenced by others.

AIM 3 Assessment for adolescents who display harmful sexual behaviour.

Dr Reynolds is a certified assessor through the AIM project in the UK. The purpose of the AIM3 is to offer an assessment of the young person and his or her family to assess the concerns, risks and strengths of the young person across 4 key domains; sexual and non-sexual behaviours, development, family and environment considering both static and dynamic factors. If a young person displays behaviours or tendencies that indicate potential harmful sexual behaviour, you should seek professional advice promptly. For further information on this assessment, please get in touch with the office.